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ViceBio and the Rapid Response Vaccine Pipeline


Due to the work of Professor Keith Chappell and his research group, the AIBN has the knowledge and infrastructure to ensure Australia can develop and deliver clinical-grade vaccines whenever, and wherever, they are needed.

The second-generation Molecular Clamp platform technology enables the rapid generation of viral subunit vaccines, which are safe, elicit an optimal response, are rapid to produce, cost-effective and thermal stable. The Chappell Group leverages the Molecular Clamp technology towards two major projects; one funded by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which focuses on building a rapid response vaccine pipeline to safeguard against future pandemics, and the second comprising contract research for Biotech spinout, Vicebio Pty Ltd, that seeks to develop highly-effective vaccines for respiratory viruses.

Crucial to these projects are the specialist NCRIS-funded production facilities housed at the AIBN, including the National Biologics Facility (NBF), which enables AIBN researchers to identify and translate biomedical research discoveries, bridging the gap between early-stage development, testing and clinical supply, and Protein Expression Facility (PEF) which specialises in recombinant protein production to advance our cutting-edge research.

Read the full story from the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology here.

Professor Keith Chappell


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